The House State Agencies Committee advanced HB1402. This bill requires special elections to be held...
The House Revenue and Taxation Committee advanced SB211 this morning. This bill cuts the top tax rat...
In a vote of 96-0, the House passed HB1302, An Act to Create the Red Tape Reduction Collective Rulem...
This week, the House voted overwhelmingly to raise teacher salaries, increase a tax credit, and incr...
With a vote of 91-0, the House passed a bill titled the Teacher Salary Enhancement Act. HB1145...
In a vote of 95-0, the full House voted in favor of HB1296. This prohibits and occupational li...
The House Education Committee advanced several bills including HB1145, the Teacher Salary Enhancemen...
More than 600 bills have been filed and several bills are now making their way to the Governor’s des...
House members are now preparing for the fourth week of the 2019 Regular Session. We are expecting to...
The House has now completed the third week of the Regular Session.Today, the House Public Transporta...
Contact Representative Perry
Mark Perry
P. O. Box 97
Jacksonville, AR 72078-0097
Fax: 501-241-2041