Statement from Speaker Gillam on passing of Tim Massanelli

“Tim Massanelli taught me the concept of stewardship as opposed to ownership when it comes to legislating.

When I was a freshman coming into the House, Mr. Massanelli was so gracious with his time. If I came into his office, it wouldn’t matter how busy he was, he would stop what he was doing.

I will always remember early one session, he lead me out into the hallway and showed me all the composite pictures of the previous representatives and said:

‘You know what all of these pictures have in common? Everybody thought they were the greatest thing ever for this institution and it would stop after they left. But it kept going. Remember this place was here long before you got here and it will last long after you leave. Take good care of it while you’re here, but remember it’s timeless.’

I’m grateful for the time I was able to serve with Tim. The Arkansas House is a better institution for his decades of public service.”