Speaker Gillam Announces Task Force Appointments

Little Rock, Arkansas (May 8, 2017) – Arkansas House Speaker Jeremy Gillam announced his appointments for the newly formed Tax Reform and Relief Legislative Task Force.

Speaker Jeremy Gillam appointed the following members:

  • Rep. Joe Jett (District 56)
  • Rep. Frances Cavenaugh (District 60)
  • Rep. Bob Johnson (District 42)
  • Rep. Jim Dotson (District 93)
  • Rep. Warwick Sabin (District 33)
  • Rep. Lane Jean (District 2) will serve on the task force as Speaker Gillam’s designee.
  • Rep. Mathew Pitsch (District  76) will serve on the task force in his position as Majority Leader. Rep. Kenneth Ferguson (District 51) has been appointed to serve by the Minority Leader.

The Tax Reform and Relief Act of 2017 created the Tax Reform and Relief Legislative Task Force. The purpose of the task force is to examine and identify areas of potential reform within the tax laws of the State of Arkansas and to recommend legislation for consideration during the 2019 Regular Session.

The task force is charged with recommending legislation to:

  1. Modernize and simplify the Arkansas tax code.
  2. Make the Arkansas tax laws competitive with other states in order to attract businesses to the state.
  3. Create jobs for Arkansans.
  4. Ensure fairness to all individuals and entities impacted by the tax laws of the State of Arkansas.

The following members will serve on the Joint Committee of Economic and Tax Policy:

  • Rep. Joe Jett (District 56)
  • Rep. David Branscum (District 83)
  • Rep. Lane Jean (District 2)
  • Rep. Jeff Williams (District 89)
  • Rep. Charlie Collins (District 84)
  • Rep. Laurie Rushing (District 26)
  • Rep. Rushing will serve as House chair for the Economic and Tax Policy Committee.
