The House Rules committee advanced resolutions outlining new rules and changes to procedure due to COVID-19.HR1005 requires members, staff, and the public to wear a mask when accessing House properties, including the House Chamber. Limited exceptions such as when a member is recognized to speak are included in the resolution.
HR1005 also outlines options for members to vote on bills if they are not in the House Chamber.
HR1006 addresses new rules for committees.
Committee agendas will be divided into three categories.
(A) Regular Agenda–bills to be considered by the committee on the date of the agenda.
(B) Consent Agenda–bills on the committee agenda for which there is no known opposition or expected public testimony and that may be taken up at any time by the committee.
(C) Deferred Bills–bills for which committee consideration has been deferred either for the failure of the sponsor to appear or at the request of the sponsor.
Committee agendas will be posted at least eighteen (18) hours prior to the committee meeting.
HR1006 also addresses how the public can participate in the committee process. We’ve posted those details at www.arkansashouse.org.
These resolutions will go to the full House for a vote.
The House committees for Education, Judiciary, and Public Health, Welfare, and Labor are scheduled to meet on Thursday.
The House will reconvene at 1 pm.