The House Revenue and Taxation Committee advanced SB576. This bill requires out of state online retailers to collect and remit state sales tax. The bill also reduces corporate income tax from 6.5% to 5.9% over a three year period.
The House Education Committee advanced HB1933, an Act to Amend the Anti-Bullying Policy. This bill address bullying in several ways. It requires parents of the victim of bullying to be notified as soon as reasonably practicable. It requires schools to investigate and write a report on the complaint within 5 school days. The bill also requires the school to notify the parent or legal guardian of the student who is determined to have been the perpetrator of the incident of bullying.
In addition, the bill also requires the superintendent to annually update the school board on the number of incidents of bullying reported and the actions taken.The House Public Health, Welfare, and Labor Committee advanced HB1761. This bill prohibits soliciting egg procurement and egg harvesting for purposes of sale. Egg harvesting is the extraction of an egg from the reproductive organs of a woman who agrees to provide her eggs for purposes other than her own pregnancy.
The House Judiciary Committee advanced SB623. This bill prohibits judges from suspending or revoking a driver's license for failure to appear or failure to pay fines.
The full House passed SB99. SB99 is the appropriation bill for Medicaid and Medicaid expansion. The House passed HB1821. This bill requires DHS to implement an increase in Medicaid reimbursement rates for medical providers to address minimum wage increases.
The House passed HB1417 which creates the Arkansas Major Historic Rehabilitation Income Tax Credit for projects worth more than $1.5 million. This bill creates the qualifications for the tax credit but does not provide funding.
The House passed SB584. This bill requires the Department of Finance and Administration to provide space on income tax forms to designate more than one account for the direct deposit of the taxpayer’s refund.
The House will reconvene on Wednesday at 1:30 pm.