With a vote of 91-0, the House passed HB1685. This bill increases the foundation funding for K-12 education from the current $6,713 per student to $6,899 per student for the 2019-2020 school year. The bill increases funding to $7,018 per student in the following school year. The House passed HB1684. This bill ensures students receive in-state tuition at state-supported institutions of higher education if he or she has resided in the state for the previous three years. The House passed SB445. This bill states that the date of the primary election will be held on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in March for years in which the office of President of the United States will appear on the ballot at the general election. The primary would continue to be held in May in gubernatorial election years.
This bill would also move fiscal legislative sessions from February to April in presidential election years.The House Education Committee advanced several pieces of legislation including HB1786. This bill requires a public school to create a report that provides the number of students who have an exemption from the requirement to obtain vaccinations. The committee also advanced SB381. This bill states that a school district authorizing the use of corporal punishment shall not use corporal punishment on a child who is intellectually disabled, non-ambulatory, non-verbal, or autistic.
The House Judiciary Committee advanced several pieces of legislation including HB1486. This bill addresses custody cases for children born outside of marriage. If paternity has been established, this bill directs the court to determine custody of a child in accordance with the same set of standards that are currently applied in divorce actions.
The House will reconvene tomorrow at 1:30 pm.