On Wednesday, the House passed HB1403, which expands the AR HOME Program to allow non-hospital entities to serve as community bridge organizations.
HB1454, which allows third-party services to conduct criminal history record checks for employee service providers, also passed the House.
The House also passed HB1465, which addresses dirtbike use on private property. The bill states that participants assume the inherent risks of dirtbike riding and cannot hold private property owners liable for any injuries or deaths resulting from these risks.
HB1217, which establishes the Interstate Massage Compact in Arkansas, and HB1440, requiring massage therapy establishments to list all therapists working there with the Arkansas Department of Health, were both passed by the House.
The House passed SB17, which allows an individual to be charged for abuse of a corpse if they sell a corpse after it has been authorized for cremation or burial.
SB147, which renames the Department of Transformation and Shared Services to the Department of Shared Administrative Services, was passed by the House.
SB234, creating an additional circuit judgeship in the 19th Judicial District-West, also passed.
The House will reconvene on Thursday at 1:30 p.m.