On Thursday, the House adjourned the 2024 Fiscal Session Sine Die.
In this Fiscal Session, the General Assembly passed a $6.3 billion budget with limited spending growth. The largest increases in the budget are directed to education and public safety. The appropriation for the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission for the next fiscal year did not pass in this session. The General Assembly could address the agency’s appropriation again should the Governor call for an extraordinary session before the end of the state's fiscal year on June 30. The state's new fiscal year begins on July 1.
Shortly after the House adjourned, members met in a House Caucus and elected Rep. Brian S. Evans as Speaker-designate. Speaker-designate Evans is serving his third term in the House. He represents District 68 which includes the city of Cabot and portions of Lonoke County. He presently chairs the House Education Committee.
House Rules state the Speaker-designate is intended to be the Speaker of the House of the following General Assembly subject to selection by the membership upon convening of the regular session. The 2025 Regular Session will convene on January 13, 2025.
The Arkansas Speaker of the House presides over the body and is elected by the membership every two years. The Speaker assigns committee leadership and names members to select committees. Other duties include recognizing members to speak on the House floor, preserving order in the House, and assigning bills to the proper committee.
We will continue to update you during the interim. You can find agendas and links to live-streams of all meetings at arkansashouse.org.