In a vote of 95-0, the full House voted in favor of HB1296. This prohibits and occupational licensing board from revoking licenses specifically for a defaulted or delinquent student loan.
The House Insurance and Commerce Committee advanced SB113. This would transfer the responsibilities and duties of the Arkansas Health Insurance Marketplace to the Arkansas Insurance Department. The Insurance Commissioner has stated that the agency can handle the duties of the marketplace at a lesser cost which could reduce fees for those buying insurance on the marketplace.
The House State Agencies and Governmental Affairs Committee advanced SJR3. This resolution seeks to apply to the United States Congress to call a convention of states for the purpose of proposing amendments to the United States Constitution under the provisions of Article V. The resolution states the proposed amendments would be limited to imposing fiscal restraints on the federal government, limiting power and jurisdiction of the federal government, and limiting terms for members of Congress.
The House City, County, and Local Affairs Committee advanced HB1174. This amends the civil service system law concerning the age of eligibility. Upon approval from the individual city board, this lowers the age of eligibility for firefighters from 21 to 18.