More than 360 bills have been signed into law and many more are making their way to the Governor’s desk as we approach what could be the final week of the 2023 Regular Session.
On Wednesday, the House passed HB1011. This bill requires the Arkansas Medicaid Program to reimburse for depression screenings for pregnant women.
The House also passed the following:
HB1574-This bill establishes supplemental Medicaid reimbursement rates for preventative mental health services for children.
HB1503-This bill creates the offense of operating a chop shop. A chop shop is defined in the bill as a place for the purpose of selling, transferring, purchasing, or receiving a motor vehicle or a motor vehicle part with the purpose to misrepresent the identity of or prevent the identification of the motor vehicle or motor vehicle part by modifying the vehicle identification number. The bill makes the offense of operating a chop shop a Class C felony. It also states that dealing in stolen or forged motor vehicle parts is a Class D felony.
SB365-This bill creates the Arkansas Student Due Process and Protection Act by establishing procedural protections for student conduct disciplinary proceedings at public two and four-year institutions of higher education.
The House will reconvene on Thursday at 1:30 p.m.