When House members return from the spring break recess, they will begin the process of reviewing proposed constitutional amendments.
Those hearings will take place in the House State Agencies and Governmental Affairs Committee. Every member who has filed a proposed constitutional amendment will have the opportunity to present his or her proposal during the committee meetings.
According to the House and Senate Joint Rules, the Senate may recommend one proposed constitutional amendment for consideration by the House and Senate.
Suppose that amendment fails to receive a majority vote in the House. In that case, the Senate may recommend additional proposed constitutional amendments one at a time until the House affirms one by a majority vote.
Conversely, the House may recommend one proposed constitutional amendment to the Senate. If that amendment fails the House can recommend additional amendments one at a time until the Senate affirms one by a majority vote.
A third proposed constitutional amendment can only be considered if the House and Senate approve identical resolutions with a 2/3 vote in both chambers.
Constitutional amendments do not require the Governor’s signature.
Proposed constitutional amendments with a majority vote from both chambers will appear on the November 2024 general election ballot.
There are 13 proposed constitutional amendments filed in the House and 20 proposed amendments in the Senate. We have posted the proposals at arkansashouse.org. The website also provides links to watch the committee meetings and House floor proceedings.