On Wednesday, the House passed HB1207. This bill creates the Fast-Track Permits Act. It states that a local government official shall act by approval, denial, or request for revision of an applicant's request for a permit within 60 days of the request.
The House also passed the following:
HB1575-This bill requires an individual to make 5 work search contacts a week when submitting a claim for unemployment benefits. A work search contact includes completing and submitting a job application or resume to an employer, attending and completing an interview with an employer, attending a job fair; or participating in job skill training.
SB81-This bill amends the law concerning libraries and obscene materials and creates the offense of furnishing a harmful item to a minor. It states furnishing a harmful item to a minor is a Class A misdemeanor. SB81 states that a school district shall have a written policy for addressing challenged material that is physically present in the library and available to the public. The bill outlines several requirements that should be included in the policy. The bill also states that each county or municipal library shall have a written policy to establish guidelines for the selection, relocation, and retention of physical materials that are available to the public.
SB250-This bill states that a county that chooses to use paper ballots in place of approved voting machines shall be responsible for the cost of the paper ballots and any devices or machines required for printing and tabulation. It also states that each paper ballot shall be compatible with the electronic vote tabulation devices selected by the Secretary of State.
SB282-This bill states that an individual who is a victim of human trafficking may bring a civil action in any appropriate state court against a person or entity who knew or should have known that the individual was or would be subjected to any form of trafficking of persons. It also allows for a civil action against a person or entity that caused, was responsible for, or benefitted financially or received anything of value from the human trafficking incident.
HB1385-This bill states that the Arkansas Medicaid Program shall reimburse a healthcare provider for providing long-acting reversible contraception immediately and during postpartum.
The House will reconvene on Thursday at 1 p.m.