On Wednesday, the House passed HB1035. This bill requires a healthcare insurer that offers, issues, or renews a health benefit plan in this state to provide coverage for screening for depression of the birth mother by a healthcare professional within the first 6 weeks of the birth mother's having given birth on or after January 1, 2024.
The House also passed the following:
HB1129. This bill requires the Arkansas Medicaid Program and insurance policies to reimburse for behavioral health services in certain settings.
SB199. This bill states that a healthcare professional who performs a gender transition procedure on a minor is liable to the minor if the minor is injured, including without limitation any physical, psychological, emotional, or physiological injury, by the gender transition procedure, related treatment, or the after effects of the gender transition procedure or related treatment. It also states that a civil action can be filed for up to years after the date on which the minor turns 18 years of age or would have turned 18 if the minor died before reaching 18 years of age.
HB1533. This bill would exclude students who pass a GED test or students who transfer to a home school or private school from inclusion in a school’s drop-out rate for purposes of a school performance report.
HB1535.This bill states that at each regular monthly meeting of a school district board, a report or presentation regarding student academic data or performance shall be provided to the board.
The House will reconvene on Thursday at 11 a.m.