House members began the 8th week of the 2023 Regular Session on Monday.
The House passed HB1458. This bill creates the Vincent Parks Law. Vince Parks was a Jonesboro police officer who died last summer during law enforcement training. HB1458 would require instructors to complete training on the recognition and management of certain health conditions and establish procedures in the event a cadet or officer has symptoms of cardiac arrest while receiving training.
The House passed HB1189. This bill would create the Arkansas Behavior Analyst Licensure Act.
In addition, the House passed SB232 and SB186.
SB232 states that a child whose parent or legal guardian relocates him or her to a nonresident school district may complete all remaining school years at the school district in which he or she is enrolled at the time of the relocation, regardless of the residency status of the child. However, that school district will not be required to provide transportation for the student to and from his or her original school district if the child's new residency status is outside the boundaries of his or her original school district.
SB186 requires criminal background checks, maltreatment registry checks, sex-offender registry checks, and drug screenings for any employee or provider who provides services to an individual with an intellectual and developmental disability.
The House Education Committee has scheduled a Special Order of Business for Tuesday, February 28 at 9 a.m. to begin hearing testimony on SB294, the bill to Create the LEARNS Act. To provide for more space for the public, this committee meeting will be held in room A of the MAC Building. The MAC building is located directly behind the Capitol.
The House will reconvene on Tuesday at 1:30 p.m.