On Tuesday, the House passed HB1244. This bill would require the Department of Finance and Administration to offer drivers the option of a digitized driver’s license by February 2025. The bill states a digitized driver's license may be accepted by a public entity for all state purposes authorized for a driver's license. It does not require any public or private entity to accept a digitized driver’s license.
The House also passed the following:
HB1396-The bill requires a law enforcement officer a enrolled in a commission certified basic police training academy to complete at least 2 hours of training relating to interacting with a person with Alzheimer’s disease or other dementias.
HB1320-This bill would require the Attorney General to review the ballot title for an initiative petition or referendum petition before circulation.
SB193-This bill allows a licensing agency to consider national certifications to be considered toward occupational licensure requirements for uniformed service members and veterans. It also extends application for initial licensure to the spouse of a uniformed service member or a uniformed service veteran and removes the one-year limit for veterans to apply service education, training, or certifications toward occupational licensure.
SB247-This bill allows an absentee ballot to be issued to any person who is prevented from voting due to observance of a religious discipline or religious holiday during the entire 12 hours that the polls are open on election day.
The House will reconvene on Wednesday at 1:30 p.m.