The House began the 5th week of the 2023 Regular Session on Monday.
The House passed HB1144. This bill creates a specialty court program for families involved in a dependency-neglect proceeding affected by substance abuse or mental health disorders.
The House also passed HB1196. This bill would require an individual who is able to work, train, or volunteer in order to qualify for and receive public housing. Several exceptions are outlined in the bill.
The House passed HB1324. This bill would allow law enforcement officers to pull over a driver who does not have their vehicle headlights on when it is raining, snowing, or any time the windshield wipers are being used.
In addition, the House passed HB1182. This bill provides clarity regarding the certification of a veterinary technician specialist and defines a collaborative agreement between a veterinarian and a specialist.
The House passed four Senate bills including SB 43, SB68, SB48, and SB47.
SB43 defines an adult-oriented performance and adds certain restrictions.
SB68 establishes the last full week of January as Holocaust Education Week in Arkansas public schools.
SB 48 amends the “Good Samaritan Law” to ensure certain persons and non-profit organizations who provide suicide prevention interventions are not liable for civil damages unless an act was not in good faith and was the result of gross negligence.
SB47 repeals a law that prohibits leaving a running vehicle unattended.
The House will reconvene on Tuesday at 1:30 p.m.