The House has now completed the third week of the Regular Session.
Today, the House Public Transportation Committee passed HB1006. This bill increases the minimum fine for passing a stopped school bus from $250 to $500. It also makes the offense a Class A misdemeanor. The same committee also advanced HB1182 which allows law enforcement to stop a driver using a handheld device in a school zone.
The House Public Health, Welfare, and Labor Committee advanced HB1176. This bill sets standards, goals, and potential assistance to create human breast milk banks & depositories in Arkansas.The Public Health committee also advanced HB1296 and HB1317. HB1296 ensures occupational licensing boards do not revoke licenses solely based on delinquency of student loan payments
HB1317 gives Office of Medicaid Inspector General access to Prescription Drug Monitoring Program.
The Judiciary Committee advanced legislation including HB1233 which clarifies for community corrections that a probationer's probation begins upon judge issuing verdict. The House Education Committee advanced HB1021 and HB1020.
HB1021 requires newly elected school board members to receive training and instruction on how to read and interpret an audit report in their initial training.
HB1020 allows school districts to consider out of state school experience when considering teacher salary schedule.
The full House passed several bills including HB1012. This bill authorizes the issuance of a Purple Heart recipient special license plate to a surviving spouse. The House also passed HB1100. This bill gives a veteran more options to prove their veteran status when they go to the DMV for a license. This designation makes it easier on veterans to receive access to benefits.
The House passed HB1239 which updates what is included in a search for a parolee’s residence. Currently, law enforcement officers and probation officers are not allowed to search an out-building or garage.
The House will convene again on Monday at 1:30 pm.