News Release
Little Rock, Arkansas (February 22, 2022) –
The Children’s Advocacy Centers of Arkansas (CAC) recently announced that Rep. Charlene Fite (District 80) will be the recipient of the 2022 Senator Percy Malone Child Protection Award.
The Senator Percy Malone Child Protection Award was established in 2010 to honor the achievements of the Senator and his wife, Donna. Senator and Mrs. Malone worked for years to pass laws and create legislation designed to end sexual and physical abuse and fight their devastating effects on our state’s youngest populations.
In the 2021 Regular Session, Rep. Fite sponsored Act 975, which streamlines access to services provided by CAC’s to children who are facing traumatic situations.
Act 975 states that a CAC shall receive, review, and track reporting from the Department of Human Services relating to the alleged abuse or neglect of a child in order to ensure a consistent and comprehensive approach to providing services to a child and the family of a child who is the victim of alleged abuse or neglect.
“I wish we didn’t need our Children’s Advocacy Centers, but I’m so thankful we have them,” said Rep. Fite. “This award is one of the greatest honors of my life.”
The purpose of the not-for-profit Children’s Advocacy Centers of Arkansas (CAC) is to promote, assist, and support the development, growth, and continuation of CACs in the State of Arkansas so that every child victim has access to the services of a CAC.
Rep. Fite will receive the award at the CACar Child Protection Award Luncheon on April 1.
Rep. Charlene Fite is serving her fifth term in the Arkansas House of Representatives. She represents District 80, which includes portions of Crawford and Washington counties.
Over the course of the last decade, Rep. Fite has sponsored numerous pieces of legislation aimed at improving the state’s foster care system and advocating on behalf of abused and neglected children.
For the 93rd General Assembly, Rep. Fite serves as Chairperson for the House Aging, Children and Youth, Legislative & Military Affairs Committee. She also serves on the House Education Committee, the Joint Energy Committee, and the Arkansas Legislative Council.
Rep. Fite is a retired Special Education teacher and School Psychology Specialist.