More than 600 bills have been signed into law so far this session.
On Wednesday, the House passed the following:
SB593-This bill temporarily changes the current deadline for filing and paying state income tax to May 17. This aligns with the recent extension issued for filing federal income tax.
HB1794-This bill creates the Licensed Practical Nurse Pathway Pilot Program. It states that the Division of Elementary and Secondary Education, in consultation with the Division of Higher Education, shall establish and implement a program in which high school students may enroll in undergraduate courses required to obtain a diploma or certificate of completion as a licensed practical nurse by the date on which the public school student graduates or within a reasonable frame of time after the public school student graduates.
HB1701-This bill states that a teacher of a K-12 science class at a public school or open-enrollment public charter school may teach creationism as a theory of how the earth came to exist.
HB1704-This bill states that a municipality or county shall not restrict, tax, prohibit, or otherwise regulate the use or sale of auxiliary containers. Auxiliary containers include bags, cups, containers, bottles, or other packaging.
SB584-This bill establishes procedures and funding requirements for the Arkansas Scholarship Lottery. It would require lottery proceeds beginning July 1 to be placed in a fund. That fund would then be used to pay scholarships for the 2022-2023 school year in advance. The bill outlines priorities for scholarships should the proceeds not be sufficient for the scholarships requested.
HB1557-This bill requires electric utilities to have an emergency plan in place during certain weather events and to notify local governments of certain emergency measures.
The House will convene on Thursday at 1 pm.