The General Assembly will be in recess for the remainder of this week. Before adjourning for the week, the House passed several bills, including the following:
HB1766-This bill increases the monthly state contribution to state and public school life and health insurance from $450 to $550 per employee.
HB1499-This bill addresses services and response time for child abuse cases in the state.
It states that a child safety center shall receive, review, and track reporting from the Department of Human Services relating to the alleged abuse or neglect of a child in order to ensure a consistent and comprehensive approach to providing services to a child and the family of a child who is the victim of alleged abuse or neglect.
The child safety center is also directed to work with participating agencies relating to the delivery of services to a child and the family of a child who is the alleged victim of abuse or neglect.
HB1731-This bill states that upon the declaration of a mistrial during the sentencing proceeding in a capital murder trial, the prosecuting attorney may move the trial court to impose a sentence of life without parole or impanel a new sentencing jury. It also states that a mistrial during the sentencing proceeding shall not result in the invalidation of the finding of guilt for a capital felony.
The House will convene again on Monday at 1 pm.