More than 370 bills have been signed into law so far during the 2021 Regular Session.
The House passed the following bills Tuesday afternoon:
HB1451-This bill allows a public school district to adopt a bilingual program or a dual-immersion program approved by the Division of Elementary and Secondary Education.
HB1594-This bill allows the Division of Elementary and Secondary Education to grant a teaching license to Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) recipients who have completed the necessary requirements.
SB382-This bill allows private, nonprofit two-year or four-year higher education institutions to be approved institutions under the Arkansas Future Grant Program.
HB1402-This bill amends the Abortion-Inducing Drug Safety Act. It states that physicians providing an abortion-inducing drug shall be credentialed and competent to handle abortion complication management, including emergency transfer, or have a signed agreement with an associated physician who is credentialed to handle abortion complications. It also states physicians must first examine the pregnant woman in person.
HB1136-This bill requires physicians attending to pregnant women to screen for Hepatitis C during their patient's pregnancy.
HB1497-This bill expands the permitted use of a certified facility dog for vulnerable witnesses. Currently, certified dogs can be used in the courtroom to be present with children who testify in sexual abuse cases. This bill would allow the certified dogs to be present with children who are victims of sexual abuse while they are in a child advocacy center or prosecutor's office. The bill also allows the dogs to be used with individuals who have an intellectual or developmental disability.
SB290-This bill states that a healthcare insurer shall ensure that an individual's cost-sharing requirement of a diagnostic examination is no less favorable than the cost-sharing requirement that is applicable to a screening examination for breast cancer.
The House will convene on Wednesday at 1 pm.