More than 1,000 bills have been filed since the session began and more than 200 have been signed into law. Tuesday marked the 51st day for the 2021 Regular Session.
This afternoon, the House passed the following:
HB1061-This bill creates the No Patient Left Alone Act. This bill states that it is in the interest of the state and its citizens that a patient be allowed at least one support person who is permitted to be physically present with the patient on a daily basis at reasonable times throughout his or her hospitalization, visit the office of a healthcare professional, or institutionalization. The bill outlines visitation rights for children, patients with disabilities, hospice care, long-term care patients, and members of the clergy.
SB169-This bill states that a municipality, county, or other local public health authority shall not adopt or enforce an ordinance, order, resolution, policy, or rule that prohibits or regulates the occasional outdoor sale of nonalcoholic beverages from a stand on private property by a minor.
HB1544-This bill affirms the right of a municipality to declare the municipality a pro-life city by resolution. It provides a framework for a city’s resolution and ways for a city to promote the status.
SB20-This bill sets forth provisions for a quorum court to appoint a replacement when the county elected official has been suspended from office for stealing funds while serving in that office.
The House will convene on Wednesday at 1 pm.