Today is the 45th day of the 2021 Regular Session. More than 560 bills have been filed in the House, and more than 390 have been filed in the Senate.
Several of those bills passed the House on Wednesday, including the following:
SB24-This bill, commonly known as the Stand Your Ground bill, removes the duty to retreat before using physical or deadly force.
HB1021-This bill creates the First Year Medical Student Scholarship Program.
It authorizes a one-time scholarship to a medical student who completes their undergraduate requirements for acceptance into medical or osteopathic school within 24 months. After successful completion of their first year of medical training, that student may receive $30,000 to be applied toward the completion of their medical degree.
SB245-This bill states that if a driver who operates a commercial motor vehicle is convicted of using the commercial motor vehicle in the commission of a felony involving human trafficking, the driver shall be disqualified from operating a commercial motor vehicle for life.
HB1374-This bill amends the law concerning which sales by charitable organizations are exempt from sales and use tax. It allows an organization to exempt sales from up to 10 events. The previous limit was 3.
HB1360-This bill establishes the Law Enforcement Family Relief Trust Fund and allows taxpayers to designate a portion of his or her income tax refund to the program. The fund will be used to provide financial assistance to the family of an Arkansas-certified law enforcement officer who is either killed in the line of duty or diagnosed with a terminal illness.
HB1177-This bill authorizes emergency medical services personnel to administer certain emergency prescription medications to a patient with a health condition that requires specialized treatment.
The House will convene again on Thursday at 1 pm.